Been a very busy baby lately, so you'll have to forgive the delay in my blogging. I'm busy crawling all over the place now and does that take forever! I prefer to walk, but since I haven't started that yet, I'll just work on my standing.
Mom says I'm like a little rock climber, I grab the couch piping with the tips of my fingers and pull myself up. Of course I fall sometimes, so it's a good thing I'm wearing my Pampers.
Not a whole lot to report, getting ready for my first birthday! Carter/Brody & Will have been showing me how it's done- I can't wait for my own party.
Other than that- still no teeth (Mom prays to the tooth fairy everynight!) I'm talking up a storm, and just hanging out with my favorite people. OH! Mom did get a new job so now I spend part of my days at Aunt Tara's with my cousins Dustin and Charrley. They're WAY older, so they're showing me the ropes. It's a pretty sweet deal bc The G's (Klett and Lehman) still pick me up so I get to see them a lot too.