Feeding myself now! All about the "real food"

Then the next weekend I took my first out of state trip to Iowa. Got to visit with my cousins Lena & Joana. Don't tell Gpa L, but they totally let me go off the rug! Big day for me :-) Oh and Aunt Linda also showed me how much fun it is to peek into the cupboards, I've been trying to do it at home, but Mom's got them on lock down.

Like my big ole bruise? Took a header off my mat, that's why Gpa L likes me on the rug. By the way? I totally took my first steps while we were in Iowa. Mom wasn't expecting it at all, so I thought I'd spring it on her. She was very happy, as were the girls to share the moment with me. But to quote Dad "we are so screwed" Lol
It was a nice way to end the weekend.
Looking to see if I can get better seats!