Tuesday was the big day- I turned TWO!!! I will deny it if you ask me how old I am, but it's true, I'm another year older. We've had a bunch of celebrations. Mom had the G's over on Saturday for Badger (sort of Chase's birthday, but not really) party. It was super fun to play with all my cousins.

Me- on the big day!
Comparison shot- I can ALMOST palm a basketball now!!

Tuesday morning Mom and I headed to Milwaukee to check out Flabbergast. It's a big kids place that has bouncey houses and a huge "mouse trap" thing with tunnels and slides. I LOVED it- Mom, well she wasn't a fan of crawling around in the tunnels, but she humored me. And I humored her for pictures.
Wouldn't be a birthday for me if snot and a cough wasn't included!
Good thing that mallet was tied down- I could do some serious damage with it!
Wheel OF FORTUNE- just kidding, but I pretended anyways
~ on a side note~
Today was my 2 year check up with Dr Pagel, my pediatrician.
I am FINALLY on the "scale" for height - 15th percentile, and weight - also 15th. This means I'm still on the smaller side- but I'm catching up!!!
Dr. Pagel said I "looked perfect" and, well, you got to believe a doctor right :-)