or the backyard- whichever
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Summer fun

Note from Mom,
HE IS SO FREAKING ADORABLE!!! Seriously, let us take a moment to fully appreciate how cute he is :-)
The blond curls!
For awhile there he was rocking a mullet, but now they're curls and I love them. I may never cut his hair. Ryan was mistaken for a girl once- a very funny Klett family story, but I will paint Chase blue and make him wear a "I'm a boy" t-shirt before I get rid of those curls, I love them.
His pudgy little arms!
He may be "on the lower end of the scale" but he's got some pudge and it takes some serious self-control not to pinch the cheeks or nibble on the arms. I'm a freak I know- but come on!
He is hilarious AND he knows it.
Most mornings I wake up to "mama, ma! MAMA! " It's truly the best alarm clock. Especially when it's later than 5:30AM. Well the other day I woke up to:
"mama. . . dada? DA-DA? DADA!!! DADA!!!" and then the sounds of Chase laughing his butt off. He clearly knew he was in the wrong household for that one, but was cracking himself up.
I was telling Gma Klett the other day that it's hard to believe how big/old he is. The last 19 months have flown by. I get sad sometimes wondernig where my baby went, but then this toddler will come flying at me, mouth open to give me a smooch and a hug & then crack me up. Every stage gets better and better.
Ok, I'm done- you may now ooo & aw on your own!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Finally July! Rhythm & Booms Baby- without the booms . . .

This weekend was R&B- Mom's favorite time of the year! Next to my birthday of course. This year she was smart & had me hang out in the daytime and then shipped me off to G&G Klett. The party can get a little rowdy & I don't think our friends are prepared for my kind of rowdiness yet.
Here I am with my cousin Travis and my cool new swim suit. Fits AWESOME don't you think?

Dillon and I hanging out by the pool. Only took hundred tries to get this one adorable picture.

Mom trying out the two under two idea. I think she'll pass thank you very much!

Check out my red/white/blue nuk! Color coordinated & it kept me from screaming

Mom and I cheesing for the camera- like my comb-over?

Aunt Tara! Mom & Aunt Michelle!!
June Catch up! Zoo Part II

Also in June, I got to go to the zoo with Papa and my cousin Toni Jo- we had a blast! I think Mom's been holding out on me, we saw so much more than when her and I go.

Checking out the seals, I thought they were hilarious when they burped (or talked, whichev) so I would growl back--- shocking I know!
June Catch up! Colorado Part II

Mom, Gma L & I heading back to Colorado for my cousin Jeff's wedding. On the way home I got my OWN seat. Mom will never do without that again. Thank God for portable DVD players!

My sleeping arrangement at the cabin in CO. Or at least it would have been if I hadn't rolled out.
Didn't matter, I rolled out of the bed too. OOPS!

Family picture a the wedding reception. It was beautiful!

This is a nice shot of me making my moves on the older woman. I am slick- do you see how the other dude just ran away! HA
In your face!

Doing my patented leg tapping move! Even the groom's mom was impressed.
Oh crap, here comes Mom, why does she always ruin my game?

Speaking of game, in this next picture you will see me posing in my "downward dog" pose. This means I'm tired and ready to sleep.
However, these adults thought I was hilarious and tried to copy me. I am THAT COOL!
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