Today Chase is 6 months old!!!! I am in shock, seriously where did the time go?
It seems like just yesterday I was waddling around, 900 yrs pregnant, wondering when he was going to make his arrival. I was told I looked mighty uncomfortable, although I was told LATER since no one would dare tell me then. . .
The first picture was the second time I got to hold Chase, the day after he arrived. The first day I held him for a few minutes before he set up camp in the NICU. But neither of us were camera ready so we'll keep those pics to ourselves :-)
The second was taken about 45 minutes ago before I put him down for the night. You've got to love a baby who humors his mom for just one more photo.
I cannot believe how fast it has gone. I can get all sappy of course, but I won't. I will just say that Chase and I have the most amazing family and friends. Without them we very simply wouldn't be here. I'd probably be locked up with padded walls :-) Who knew that a cute baby can drive you insane with sleepless nights? Oh wait, everyone!
Happy .5 Chase! I love watching you grow & as my first Mother's Day arrives tomorrow, I will say it's my absolute pleasure to be your mom.
awww. that was so sweet! :) tears and all! Happy 1st Mama's Day to you!!!