This was a very big week for me, not only did I learn to clap, wave goodbye AND shake my head "no"- with excellent comic timing by the way!
I also got the ok to wear my "special shoes" at night only!!! Dr Noonan said my feet look so good, he couldn't believe it was both feet! So Mom and I went shopping for new shoes yesterday. She was a little disappointed on the selection, but I talked her into some sandals & sneakers. Gpa Lehman will be SO excited when he comes back from Canada today- he hates my "special shoes."
Oh! Almost forgot, our Birth to Three lady, Tracy, came out with my PT crush (Darcy) and did my 6 month eval. I know I'm almost nine months, but I've been working with them since I got home. She said ,and I quote:
"For only 8/1/2 months, he seems ahead of the game in the areas of speech and fine motor." !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Take that!
Still a rockstar- Chase :-)
I am SO excited for your good news!! Love you!!