Mark & Amber have heart attacks when Mom does this, so she does it often!

Gaudreaus- the next Generation

GGG (Great Grandpa Gaudreau)

Poppa, me & Mom

Prolly not :-)

Not so sure about this swing thing. . .

I had myself a nice little weekend. Saturday was GG Gaudreau's birthday party. Got to hang out with my cousins Kendall and Dillon, and my Poppa! It was fun and Kendall and I even got lessons in sharing. I feel more of those are coming our way. Baby Dillon is still too small to play with us, but it was nice to have him there.
On Sunday Mom and I went down to Tenney park. We were very disappointed that you can't feed the ducks anymore, but I tried out the swings and then Mom took me to see the boats. I've heard rumors that Dad and Gpa Lehman have those too, but neither have taken me out yet. . . HINT HINT!
PS- Mom wanted to share the latest stats from my 9 month apt.
I'm 15lbs 12oz and 26.5 inches! Dr Pagel thinks I'm doing PERFECT!
Chase~I can't wait until I'm big enough to play! I had fun on Saturday too even though I was a sleepy boy.