Santa, however, didn't care as you can see- Chase was a very good dude this year and reaped the rewards!

Hmm, shocking- I don't know where he got this phone obsession from. .

Nice mess dude, glad the presents were wrapped

Awesome gift from G&G Lehman- it's a book with photos of Chase's peeps wishing him a Merry Christmas. HE LOVES IT!!
Chase unwraps Baby Jenna- sees what it is, yells "NO!" and then tries to REWRAP the doll. I just about died from laughing. Nuturing my arse.
Once Baby Jenna is unwrapped and out of the box, he is pretty cute with her. Gma's all "see I told you so" and I'm all "see, he's now shoving her in the subwofer"
Good times at the Lehman house!
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