First group of pics- Mom and I hitting up the Zoo. Favorite pastime for sure. I like to point out EVERYTHING, and play on EVERYING, and growl ad EVERYTHING- you get the idea :-)

Ignore my wedgie in the next picture- sheesh Mom!

Me and my buddy Uncle Tom, he thinks I'm the coolest & I love when he comes to visit!
Mom being a cheeser- shocking!
And another, you know, she is getting much better at the self-pictures, WAY better than the "here's the corner of our heads and the wall" pics we got from when I was a baby
Now, Rhythm and Booms was a few weeks ago & this year I got to hang out with Mom all day! This is the awesome day we had planned with my homie Will and his mom T:
9:00-10:00- Walk to the Rhythm- 2 mile walk to fundraise for R&B- with decorated strollers of course
10:30-12- hang out with Dora the Explorer down and Warner Park and check out the carnival
12:30-2:30ish- nap at Moms
3:30- on- hang out at G&G Lehman's for their awesome party and my trip to the hill for some fireworks.
Here's what really happened:
9:30- while walking down to Warner Park from Mom's house, Will's stroller hits a pothole in the middle of the intersection of Northport and Sherman (yeah, kinda large intersection, kinda busy) front wheel POPS OFF, Mom and T do emergency stroller repair on the grass BY Warner as the walkers from the 2 mile walk are finishing the event. But- we got the wheel on and I slept thru the whole thing.
10:15- after walking all over Warner- it's realized that Dora is at the "runner's village" and to hang out with her, we have to hang out with all the people who actually participated. Mom and T put on their "walker's bibs" (telling themselves, hey we paid for it) do not get their free drinks as you get the ticket when you ACTUALLY complete the walk. No free food/no free drinks and Dora is nowhere to be found.
10:45- go over to the carnival- I find this place AMAZING and after white knuckling my first ride, I demand to go on all the others. However, Mom is cheap this day and only springs for two more. I think I heard her mutter something about "deathtraps, set up in one day" - whatever.
11:00- I eat my first carnival corndog. My tiny arteries start a "Seriously Mom" petition. I however, love it & devour completely. Demands for more are promptly shut down by Mom.
11:15-12:30- walk back to the house- seems to take longer this time, even though there's no stroller drama.
12:45- time for nap, I am so NOT TIRED that I am granted my nuk (which is very rare) as Mom knows this will please me.
12:46- I am asleep.
3:45- Mom wakes me- there is a party to go to afterall and Will was not napping as he is a "Big Boy"- (pffffft)
4- Arrive at Lehmans where my fans await. I spend the day frolicking in the pool with Mom/Gpa/Cousin Travis/Will & every pretty blonde that comes within three feet of me.
Will and I also run the bumper pool table- even though we can't see over it.

Ok- Will can. And he's got good form!

After a small "rest and relaxation" time where we watched Toy Story - while all the super happy fun loud people parade in and out of the house- we head to the hill for fireworks. Mom got us awesome glow sticks- which occupied me for 10 mins.
This is the only time I sat in Mom's lap- so I humored her for a picture. The rest of the time (fireworks included) I spent lap-leaping between everyone we knew. It was great, I think Mom was bummed though. I think she wanted to cuddle.
All in all- it's been a good summer so far, I'll work on Mom for those picture updates, I know you're looking for them (I'M TALKING TO YOU AUNT LINDA :) )
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